Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range

Toyota Camry Owner's Manual XV70 (2017-2024) / Driving / Using the driving support systems / Dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range

Summary of functions

In vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode, the vehicle automatically accelerates, decelerates and stops to match the speed changes of the preceding vehicle even if the accelerator pedal is not depressed. In constant speed control mode, the vehicle runs at a fixed speed.

Use the dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range on freeways and highways.

  • Vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode
  • Constant speed control mode

System Components

■ Meter display

  1. Multi-information display
  2. Set speed
  3. Indicators

Using the driving support systems

■ Operation switches

  1. Vehicle-to-vehicle distance switch
  2. "+ RES" switch
  3. Cruise control main switch
  4. Cancel switch
  5. "- SET" switch

Using the driving support systems


■Before using dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range

  • Driving safely is the sole responsibility of the driver. Do not rely solely on the system, and drive safely by always paying careful attention to your surroundings.
  • The dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range provides driving assistance to reduce the driver's burden. However, there are limitations to the assistance provided.

    Read the following conditions carefully. Do not overly rely on this system and always drive carefully.

    • When the sensor may not be correctly detecting the vehicle ahead
    • Conditions under which the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode may not function correctly
  • Set the speed appropriately depending on the speed limit, traffic flow, road conditions, weather conditions, etc. The driver is responsible for checking the set speed.
  • Even when the system is functioning normally, the condition of the preceding vehicle as detected by the system may differ from the condition observed by the driver. Therefore, the driver must always remain alert, assess the danger of each situation and drive safely. Relying solely on this system or assuming the system ensures safety while driving can lead to an accident, resulting in death or serious injury.
  • Switch the dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range setting to off, using the cruise control main switch when not in use.

■Cautions regarding the driving assist systems

Observe the following precautions, as there are limitations to the assistance provided by the system.

Failure to do so may cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury.

  • Assisting the driver to measure following distance
    The dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range is only intended to help the driver in determining the following distance between the driver's own vehicle and a designated vehicle traveling ahead. It is not a mechanism that allows careless or inattentive driving, and it is not a system that can assist the driver in low-visibility conditions.

    It is still necessary for driver to pay close attention to the vehicle's surroundings.

  • Assisting the driver to judge proper following distance
    The dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range determines whether the following distance between the driver's own vehicle and a designated vehicle traveling ahead is within a set range. It is not capable of making any other type of judgement. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for the driver to remain vigilant and to determine whether or not there is a possibility of danger in any given situation.
  • Assisting the driver to operate the vehicle
    The dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range does not include functions which will prevent or avoid collisions with vehicles ahead of your vehicle. Therefore, if there is ever any possibility of danger, the driver must take immediate and direct control of the vehicle and act appropriately in order to ensure the safety of all involved.

■Situations unsuitable for dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range

Do not use dynamic radar cruise control with full-speed range in any of the following situations.

Doing so may result in inappropriate speed control and could cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury.

  • Roads where there are pedestrians, cyclists, etc.
  • In heavy traffic
  • On roads with sharp bends
  • On winding roads
  • On slippery roads, such as those covered with rain, ice or snow
  • On steep downhills, or where there are sudden changes between sharp up and down gradients
    Vehicle speed may exceed the set speed when driving down a steep hill.
  • At entrances to freeways and highways
  • When weather conditions are bad enough that they may prevent the sensors from detecting correctly (fog, snow, sandstorm, heavy rain, etc.)
  • When there is rain, snow, etc. on the front surface of the radar or front camera
  • In traffic conditions that require frequent repeated acceleration and deceleration
  • During emergency towing
  • When an approach warning buzzer is heard often


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