Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Introduction


 How To Troubleshoot Ecu Controlled Systems

 General Information

GENERAL INFORMATION A large number of ECU controlled systems are used in this vehicle. In general, ECU controlled systems are considered to be very intricate, requiring a high level of technical

 Electronic Circuit Inspection Procedure

ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT INSPECTION PROCEDURE BASIC INSPECTION (a) WHEN MEASURING RESISTANCE OF ELECTRONIC PARTS (1) Unless otherwise stated, all resistance measurements are standard values measured at an


 Freeze Frame Data

FREEZE FRAME DATA CHECK FREEZE FRAME DATA (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Turn the engine switch on (IG). (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Navigation System / Trouble Codes. Body Electrical > Navigation System > Trouble Codes (e) Se

 Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Stuck Low (C050C23)

DESCRIPTION Refer to DTC C050C12 Click here DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area C050C23 Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Stuck Low When the vehicle is driven from 0 km/h to 12 km/h (0 mph to 7 mph), the wheel speed is 1.8 km/h (1.1 m

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