Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Customize Parameters



(a) Customizing with the GTS


  • When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that the function can be customized.
  • Be sure to make a note of the current settings before customizing.
  • When troubleshooting a function, first make sure that the function is set to the default setting.

(1) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(3) Turn the intuitive parking assist system on.

(4) Turn the GTS on.

(5) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Clearance Warning / Utility / Customize Setting.

(6) Select the setting by referring to the table below.

Clearance Warning

Tester Display





Ultrasonic Sensor (Front Center) Detection Range

Sets the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor (front center).



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Ultrasonic Sensor (Front Corner) Detection Range

Sets the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor (front corner).



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Ultrasonic Sensor (Rear Center) Detection Range

Sets the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor (rear center).



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Ultrasonic Sensor (Rear Corner) Detection Range

Sets the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor (rear corner).



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Clearance Warning Buzzer Volume

Sets the volume of the clearance warning buzzer.

Volume 2


Clearance warning ECU assembly

PKSA (O) Forward Detection Image Display

Sets whether to show the clearance sonar function detection status on the display, when an obstacle is detected while driving the vehicle forward.



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Ultrasonic Sensor Actuation (Shift N)

Turns ultrasonic sensor operation ON/OFF when shift position is in N.



Clearance warning ECU assembly

PKSA (O) Switch State Stored

Sets whether to store the clearance sonar function main switch status (ON/OFF).


$00:Not Stored,$01:Stored

Clearance warning ECU assembly

PKSA (O) Judgment of Obstacle on Course

Sets whether to enable automatic mute in the following situation, among the automatic mute conditions for the clearance sonar function automatic mute function. (Obstacle is not in path of own vehicle.)



Clearance warning ECU assembly

PKSA (O) Auto Mute Function

Turns the function that mutes the clearance sonar function warning sound ON/OFF, when conditions are met.



Clearance warning ECU assembly

PKSA (O) Image Display when Away from the Obstacle

Sets the detection range of the catching warning.



Clearance warning ECU assembly

Voice Guidance Function

Turns the speech guidance function ON/OFF.



Clearance warning ECU assembly

(b) Customizing with combination meter assembly


  • When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that the function can be customized.
  • Be sure to make a note of the current settings before customizing.
  • When troubleshooting a function, first make sure that the function is set to the default setting.

(1) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(2) Turn the intuitive parking assist system on.

(3) Enter the following menus: Intuitive Parking Assist System

(4) Select the setting by referring to the table below.

Intuitive Parking Assist System






Buzzer Volume

Setting of the No. 1 clearance warning buzzer volume


1, 2 or 3

Clearance warning ECU assembly



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