Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Diagnosis System



(a) When troubleshooting a vehicle with a diagnosis system, the only difference from the usual troubleshooting procedure is connecting the GTS to the vehicle and reading various data output from the clearance warning ECU assembly.

The clearance warning ECU assembly stores DTCs when the ECU detects a malfunction in the ECU itself or in its circuits.

To check the DTCs, connect the GTS to the DLC3 on the vehicle. The GTS makes it possible to clear the DTCs, activate the various actuators, and check the freeze frame data and Data List.


(a) Check the DLC3.

Click here


     Dtc Check / Clear

    DTC CHECK / CLEAR CHECK DTC (a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3. (b) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (c) Turn the intuitive parking assist system on. (d) Turn the GTS on. (e) Enter the following menus

     Data List / Active Test

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     Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart

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