Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Dtc Check / Clear



(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the intuitive parking assist system on.

(d) Turn the GTS on.

(e) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Clearance Warning / Trouble Codes.

(f) Check for DTCs.

Body Electrical > Clearance Warning > Trouble Codes


(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the intuitive parking assist system on.

(d) Turn the GTS on.

(e) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Clearance Warning / Trouble Codes.

(f) Clear the DTCs.

Body Electrical > Clearance Warning > Clear DTCs


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