Toyota Camry owners & service manuals

Toyota Camry (XV70): Brake Actuator



COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 FRONT CENTER UPPER SUSPENSION BRACE SUB-ASSEMBLY - - Tightening torque for "Major areas involving basic vehicle performance such as moving

 On-vehicle Inspection

ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. CONNECT TECHSTREAM (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3 with the ignition switch off. (b) Start the engine and run it at idle. (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d


REMOVAL CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT The necessary procedures (adjustment, calibration, initialization or registration) that must be performed after parts are removed and installed, or replaced during br



INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL FRONT ENGINE MOUNTING INSULATOR (a) Install the stay to the front engine mounting insulator with the nut. Torque: 6.0 N·m {61 kgf·cm, 53 in·lbf} (b) Install the front engine mounting insulator to the front frame assembly with the 3 nuts. Torque: 72 N·m {

 FR Speed Sensor Wrong Installation (X0452)

DESCRIPTION Code Tester Display Measurement Item Trouble Area X0452 FR Speed Sensor Wrong Installation History of front speed sensor RH being installed incorrectly Front Speed Sensor RH PROCEDURE 1. CHECK FOR DTCs (HEALTH CHECK) (a) Perform the H

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